Clinical forensic psychology associates, llc

Serving the Community in Clinical and Forensic Services


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Forensic Services

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Forensic Services

Training includes:

· Psychological Issues in the Use of Force

· Law Enforcement Officer Safety

· Psychological Evaluation of Crime Scenes

· Psychology of Interview & Interrogation

· Stress in Law Enforcement

· Suicide-by-Cop

· Hate and Bias Incidents

· Critical Incident Debriefing


Attorney Consultations

Consultations include:

· Issues related to Perception, Memory and Recall in Traumatic Events

· Trauma-Related Injuries and Post-Traumatic Disorder

· Sexual Exploitation of Children

· Risk Assessment and Management

· Assessment of Dangerousness

· The Use of Deadly Force in Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Training

Case Consultations and

Investigative Psychology

Case Consultations:

· Psychological Aspects of Homicide Investigations

· Psychological Aspects of Sex Offense Investigations

· Psychological Aspects of Interviewing

· Sexual Exploitation of Children

· Psychological Autopsies in Equivocal Deaths

· Suicide and “Suicide by Cop”

· Use of Deadly Force Investigations

· Analysis of Threats Against High-Profile Individuals

· Deviant Social Groups

· Hate and Bias Investigations


Research and Training

Law Enforcement Research and Training in              the Following Areas:

· Use of Force

·  Focused Attention and Concentration

· Law Enforcement Officer Safety

· Stress Reduction in Law Enforcement

· Suicide/Suicide by Cop Issues

· Perception and Memory in Traumatic Events

· Psychological Aspects of Interviewing

· Psychological Analysis of Crime Scenes

· Psychological Aspects of Terrorism